Your Baby
The jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose would begin to form. So are the kidneys, liver and lungs. The heart would be beating around 80 times a minute. But your baby is still no longer bigger than a nail head ( a quarter of an inch ) from crown to rump!
Your Baby
The pregnancy hormone HCG would increase your blood flow to your pelvic area. Your kidneys are becoming more efficient at ridding waste. Your uterus would begin to push down on your bladder, causing and frequency of urination.
Pregnency Symptoms
Frequent urination. Fatigue. Breast tenderness & changes. Nausea & vomiting. Heartburn & indigestion. Bloating. Increased sense of smell.
Pregnancy Tips
Tests : Get a pelvic exam , pap smear, blood type tests, Rh factor, thyroid state, blood sugar levels and iron-deficiency tests. Also get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, immunity to German Measles(rubella), genetic diseases, glucose, protein, red and white blood cells, and bacteria in your urine.